...went to the library on this windy morning. Found a great over-sized chair right next to the window and began to read John Chapter 3. My wife and I have been working our way through the Gospel of John together. As I was reading, I came to vs. 8 and have found myself camped out there for the last hour...So, I decided to blog about it.
Here is what is says..."The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the spirit."
Here's a little background info. Jesus is talking to a pharisee by the name of Nicodemus, a teacher in the synagogue who doesn't understand the Gospel yet. He is using this magnificent analogy to show the mysterious power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of those who have been born again. As I read vs. 8 over and over again, I began to look out the window and as a result of doing so, this rich analogy came to life for me...
When we see the wind blow...Well, I can't even say "see" because we can't "see" wind, we can only see the affects of wind(ie..tree branches dancing in the sky as my video depicts). ---> So, as the wind blows, though we have never "seen" wind we know its there because we can hear it, see the affects of it and feel it. When we become "born again," God's spirit lives inside of us and though we have never "seen" it, we know its there because we can hear it(in our speech), see the affects of it (in our actions) and feel it(in our hearts). Though there is mystery in the operation of the Holy Spirit in new birth, just as there is mystery in the operation of the wind, when we get to heaven God will "break it down" to us so that it will forever and continuously "be broke."
Marvel in that with me...