Monday, January 23, 2012

You call this light?

For the last couple of days I have been wrestling with a passage in 2nd Corinthians 4:17 which says "For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison as we look NOT to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen..." My first response was..."WHAT? You calling my affliction Light and Momentary?"

I even studied this passage in its original language hoping that I would get more understanding and to my dismay I found the words "immediate" and "insignificant" which if anything are even MORE harsh! So Paul, are you saying that all the distress and affliction we experience on this earth is simply immediate and insignificant?

What about divorce?
What about persecution?
What about death? (All things I have experienced firsthand...)
Are these Light (immediate) and Momentary(insignificant) too?

In comparison to the great divorce between God and lost souls, the persecution Jesus experienced by His own people, and the death he endured carrying the sins of this world on His back...Our affliction IS pretty light and momentary:) Not to mention we are rewarded for it! This passage tells us when we endure this "affliction" (on earth) which is by definition light and momentary, it prepares for us a eternal weight of glory (in heaven)... I'll take that:)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Completely, Correctly and Compassionately!

Lately, I've been using a book called Handbook of Prayer to help me begin praying through scripture. The premise is to guide one through a biblical perspective on the fundamental issues of life..."Who am I?' "Where did I come from?" "Why am I here?" "Where am I going?"

During this intimate prayer time, I get a chance to review God's perspective on my faith, my identity, my purpose and my hope. This morning a passage that I have read time and time again stood out to me.

Matthew 22:37, 39 which says, "You shall love the Lord you God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. Verse 39 says, "And the second is like the first: You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Our purpose in life is simply this...Love GOD Completely, Love SELF Correctly and love OTHERS Compassionately!

Lord help me to do this well today!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Teaching Schedule

January 2012
January 8th- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)
January 15th- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)
January 22nd- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)

February 2012
February 4th- Parenting @ IBC Seminar
February 5th- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)
February 12th- Irving BIble Church (Youth Service)
February 19th- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)
February 24-26th- Disciple Now Conference 2012 Fort Worth, TX

March 2012
March 11th- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)
March 16th- Boys Retreat
March 25th- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)

April 2012
April 1st- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)
April 15th- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)
April 21st- One Church (Singles Conference) Allen. TX
April 22nd- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)
April 29th- Irving Bible Church (Youth Service)