This year I decided to read through the entire bible in a year. This is something that I have never done before. Of course, I have read the entire bible before, but never chronologically or even in a years time-span.
Nevertheless, I am doing it and I must say it has got to be one of the most fulfilling things I have ever done. I am using an app on my I-pad called YouVersion and the plan that I am using is simply called "The Bible in a year." I like this plan because I end up reading a chapter from the OT, NT and a Psalm a day.(This works well for me because it gives me variety)
At any rate, though I have read these passages hundreds of times before, it seems that God is allowing me to "Taste them again, for the first time," things I had never noticed (or tasted) before.
Day three I read Genesis 3. As I was reading, I got to verse 8 which says, -->"They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day..." WHAT? How could I NOT notice this before? I even read the passage in Hebrew. And it said the exact same thing...
I said to myself..."Wait, God was actually there? Like in the flesh?" That's what the passage says. For all of my life, I was under the impression that Adam and Eve only heard the voice of God from the heavens, or the Holy Spirit was with them, but NO...if my biblical exegesis is correct (which I believe it is) God in the flesh, a.k.a Jesus was present with Adam and Eve in the Garden.
I say all this to say, if you are looking for a great read this year, read the words of God..."Taste them again for the first time." I know I am!