Monday, November 16, 2015


On November 8th, The Well Church Keller revealed and dedicated "The Well Truck" to our church family and the community of Keller. It was such a festive celebration! We were pleased that so many people attended this event including the Mayor of Keller who joined us for our church service and for the reveal/dedication afterwards. Since then, many people have been asking "What will this truck be used for?" Before I answer that question, I would like to give you a little history on The Well Truck...Which by the way, is really God's Truck as you will see.

About a year and a half ago, as we were praying about how we could help impact the city of Keller and surrounding cities for the gospel, The Lord gave us the idea of having a truck that we could use as a charity to the city. (Note: The Well Church is a church that is seeking to live a Life with Christ, a Life in Community and a Life of Charity. We define a Life of Charity as "showing the generous love of Jesus Christ through word and deed in our community and around the world.") Before we knew it, Frito-Lay had agreed to donate a 20-ft long delivery truck to us. (Yes, you read that correctly, DONATE... as in FOR FREE) How Awesome is God, right?

From there we began researching truck wrapping companies in the DFW area. One of our leadership team members found a company in Plano, that was willing to give us a 50% discount on wrapping the entire truck. The owners were Christians and they wanted to bless us, because they loved the mission and vision for the truck and the mission of our church. Therefore, once Frito-Lay released the truck to us, we took the truck directly to Plano to get wrapped. A few weeks later the truck was ready. When the owners of the truck wrapping company contacted us, they said, "Because we love your church, we feel like God wants us to donate our work to you..." (Yes, you read that correctly... DONATE... as in FOR FREE).Again...God is so amazing, isn't He? This was another confirmation for us, that this was GOD'S TRUCK.

Now, to answer the question that many of you have been asking, we will use this truck to show the generous love of Jesus Christ through word and deed to our community. In fact, this past Sunday we delivered thanksgiving baskets to deserving friends in Keller.

In December, we will have a Gift Drive, donating toys, books and clothes to deserving families in the Keller/ North Tarrant County area.
We will give away coats in the winter, new socks in the spring, ice cream and popsicles to children in the summer. Ultimately whatever opportunities GOD gives us to be the hands and feet of His son Jesus we will take advantage of.

Join us in celebrating the amazing work of Jesus! For more information about the well, and how you can help us, please visit our website to learn more

Friday, February 6, 2015


About 2 1/2 years ago, Alice and I began praying about what would be next for us with respect to ministry. I have served as a youth pastor at my home church for almost 6 years and as much as we love serving students, we began to feel a tug from God to move into Pastoral Ministry. As we began thinking about and writing down the "must haves" in an existing church...(like gospel centered, multi-ethnic, intergenerational, economically diverse, community involvement, etc.) we realized that it would be almost impossible to find the "perfect" existing church to pastor. Therefore, we decided to continue to pray for clarity.

A few weeks later, God began to put on my heart the idea of church planting. Church planting was not completely foreign to us because a close friend of ours planted a church a few years prior. As we continued to pray and fast, we began this journey of seeking answers from God to four very important questions:

1. What does this church plant need to be about?
2. Where does this church plant need to to take place?
3. Who needs to join us in this journey?
4. When should we pull the trigger?

Over the next year, Alice and I spent countless evenings praying, seeking wisdom and dreaming about this church plant and God began to give us understanding and clarity.

As a result, we proudly present to you THE WELL CHURCH OF KELLER.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Looking for a New Year's Resolution? I got one for you…

I know what your thinking…”Trey, you’re not one of those people who comes up with a New Years Resolution are you?” Well, yes I am…Kind of! 
I think it is important for us regularly (at the very least once a year) to do some significant thinking on our lives, how we are living, and what ways we can experience Life Transformation through Jesus. I know this expression “Life Transformation” has become very popular in Christian circles as of late, however I think that it is a great way of expressing what should be our greatest desire in life. We should desire to be transformed, because that is what God desires for us. In Romans 12:1-2 we find Paul’s “appeal” to those who have experience God’s grace.

“I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Paul, in essence is saying that our lives are transformed when our minds are made new. Our minds are made new when we change our world-view. (I’m a rapper at heart, hence the rhyme factor in that last statement)

Let me break that down for you…Life Transformation happens when we stop simply being “hearers” of God’s word, and actually become “doers” of God’s word. (James 1:22) When what we are hearing, connects with our hearts and mind we begin to seek God’s perspective in ALL of life’s situations. As a result, our view on the world around us changes, our response to the world around of changes, and we no longer desire to conform to (or be like) the world around us, but instead we are transformed to (or become more life) Jesus Christ.

The word Transformed in Greek, is transliterated as ‘metamorpho’ meaning to remodel or reshape.

In 2015, why don’t you join me in experiencing “Life Transformation” by reshaping your worldview? By seeking God's view on EVERY matter you are faced with in 2015 instead of seeking the world's view.

Happy New Year!